Cannot Reset LGB Laser Codes From The Cockpit

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Cannot Reset LGB Laser Codes From The Cockpit

Post by Hedgehog » Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:28 pm

You cannot currently reset laser codes for laser-guided bombs on the STORES page. Regardless of what you enter and what it appears to say, the weapon's laser code will not change. It will remain whatever it was set to on the ground.

Whether or not this reflects real-world seems to remain a matter of debate. HOWEVER, we don't fly in the real world. So we have to fly and understand within the constraints of the sim. What to know:

a) You can only set LGB laser codes on the re-arm screen when you're setting up your jet. Click on the little yellow triangle on the bomb icon.
b) For buddy-lasing, the pilot lasing will need to set his FLIR laser code to your weapon code.
c) Servicing JTAC targets is no longer possible unless JTAC codes are already known and pre-set on the ground.
d) We will still use the squadron laser code protocol defined here unless otherwise directed:

Mission Builders
a) Especially for JTAC designated targets, care must be taken to pre-set LGBs to the proper code(s).

This does not affect laser Mavericks (MAV-E)! They will default to code 1111 and must be reset on the STORES page.