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03 April 2022 - Damascus Dawn Week 13

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:04 am
by ticman
Squadron VFA-41 Black Aces were tasked with CAP patrol and possible CAS support inside a designated "no fly zone". This no fly zone was designated a "kill box" and its boundaries were defined by WP 2-5. Six hornets were dispatched from USS George Washington off the west coast of Syria. Any enemy plane entering this kill box was to be destroyed as well as any ground threat that locked up the ally air package was to be engaged and destroyed.

Two flights of three hornets each were assigned to fly the way points in opposite directions on the perimeter of this kill box. Dealer flight one encountered hostile migs on the west side of the kill box, who then entered the no fly zone and were engaged. Dogfighting ensued with dealer flight one being eliminated completely by the enemy. Dealer flight two was able to get to the fight at the conclusion and ended up downing 3 Migs before losing one of their aircraft to A-A fighting and one aircraft due to a SAM. Of the six pilots tasked for this mission, only one pilot (Chaos) remained alive to return to mother with multiple trap attempts ending in a ramp strike. All pilots were KIA.***

***Chaos's trap ramp strike was "Deemed not valid and no trap death" will go against Chaos. Scripting text on the right side of the screen was plentiful in VR and did not permit a safe trap condition (ramp strike death excused, no traps recorded in this mission).

Mission was a failure and Syria had no intentions of keeping their word on this "no fly zone" area defined earlier in the week by their leadership. :1cry:

Dealer Flight One
1. Ticman - Shot down by Mig
2. Rhino - Shot down by Mig
3. Nocs - Shot down by Mig

Dealer Flight Two
1. HedgeHog - Two Mig 29 kills, Shot down by SA-11
2. Maniac - Shot down by Mig
3. Chaos - Mig 25 Kill,

Re: 03 April 2022 - Damascus Dawn Week 13

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 8:56 pm
by Hedgehog
Pilot records updated.