Fouled Deck Procedures

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Fouled Deck Procedures

Post by Hedgehog » Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:09 pm

1. These procedures apply to 'campaign' missions or scheduled squadron missions. For other unscheduled missions, these procedures are optional.

2. In case of a crash on deck, someone (the pilot that crashed or other observer) should report that the deck is foul (wreckage/fire on deck) or that the deck is clear (no fire, wreckage went overboard). If not foul, recovery operations may continue. If the deck is foul, the guidance below applies.

3. In general, a fouled deck is considered to make that deck unusable for the remainder of the mission. In the real world, although the fire might be put out and wreckage cleared quickly, there would still be the matter of burning JP5 all over the deck having possibly damaged the arresting gear, catapults, and anything else on or under the flight deck. All of this equipment would need to be inspected and repaired/replaced before the deck would be cleared for use to recover aircraft once again. This might take hours or days.

4. Therefore, if there is another place to land (e.g. another carrier or a divert field), the flight should be directed to fly to use it. This may include the need to refuel.

5. If there is no other possible place to land (not enough fuel and no tanker available to get there) and there is no other option except to eject or crash, the Mission Commander may authorize emergency use of the deck AFTER the fire is extinguished.

6. In all cases, if there is any question as the the correct course of action, the Mission Commander shall consult the senior squadron officer present to make the determination.