Pick-up Mission 02 FEB 'Operation Hormuz 3'

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Pick-up Mission 02 FEB 'Operation Hormuz 3'

Post by Hedgehog » Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:15 pm

About two hours ago, one of our F/A-18F was shot down by the enemy aircraft over Iranian territory. The Pilot and WSO have ejected and they are still alive. One hour ago, they sent a rescue signal near Baramshi, GRID FP499889. The USMC has drawn up a 3000 ft radius zone for the rescue operation, codename: Rescue Zone Charlie. The USMC is ready to launch a rescue group consisting of two AV-8B Harriers (Callsign Ford 2) and one CH-53EHelicopter (Callsign Ford 1), they will take off from USS Tarawa (LHA-1) located 25 nm from the Iranian coast. Two of our CAP flights (Callsign Chevy 1and Check 1) currently operate over the south coast, but they have reported Joker fuel. Meanwhile, the CVN-73 Strike Group has finished its schedule for the day and is currently sailing eastbound (unsuitable to launch aircraft). Therefore, CVN-71 Strike Group has coordinated with the USMC and prepared two Fighter Sweep flights, Hawk 1 and Hawk 2, to engage air combat patrol and take air supremacy over Rescue Zone Charlie, to ensure the safety of the rescue operation.

Case III Departure 1405UTC. Coordinate N241735 E590245
Case III Recovery 1515UTC. Expected Recovery Location N241750 E584048
Mother Frequency 305.0AM, TACAN 71X, ILS: 11, ACLS LINK 4: 336.0

Hawk 1-1 is the mission commander of the air combat package (Designer's note: one of the Players must select Hawk 1-1 i.e. Player 1, as most triggers are activated by this aircraft). All aircraft will start cold on deck, bingo fuel setting 4500lbs. After Case III launch, turn heading to WP2 and switch COMM1 to Channel 2 (STRIKE & Magic 1-1) and Hawk 1 to switch COMM2 to Channel 4 whilst Hawk 2 to switch COMM2 to Channel 5. Climb above3,000 feet ASAP to clear CVN-73's CCZ (Carrier Control Zone), as the group is sailing east and will cross CVN-71 Group to the north. We will do running rendezvous from WP1 to WP2 at 28,000 feet, contract speed is 0.8 Mach, but as Flight Lead, Hawk 1-1 will reduce his speed to 0.7 Mach until all flight members joined the package. Hawk 1-1 to check in with STRIKE soonest as his flight rendezvoused and ingressing to Rescue Zone Charlie. From this point, STRIKE will inform the USMC to launch the rescue group. Meanwhile, Chevy 1 and Check 1 will be called back and relieved from their CAP duty. Before Feet Dry, we will switch to Line-abreast Formation, 1nm spread and 2nm interval between elements, then we will perform G-Warmup. After feet dry, we will fence in, keep vigilant and do our lookout checks. At WP2 (Rescue Zone Charlie), report on station, start 10nm counter-clockwise square route orbit and maintain 28,000 feet. Our goal is to keep the sky clean for the Marine's rescue group, we will engage any enemy aircraft approaching Rescue Zone Charlie, which are likely to pop up from the north. Our expected on-station time will be 30 plus minutes. When STRIKE relieves us from duty after our rescue group evacuates to the safe zone, we will egress south via WP3. After Feet Wet, fence out and report to STRIKE. Navy's S-3B Tanker (Callsign Shell 1-1) will be available between WP3 and WP4 for A-A refueling (Designer's note: A-A refuel is optional). AtWP4, Hawk 1-1 to dissemble the flight and each unit to contact mother individually for Case III Recovery, ACLS will be available upon request via Link 4(336.0 MHz). Emergency alternate landing at Fujairah International Airport. Come back safe boys, we will have the Iranian flag paintings ready at home.

Primary: Fighter sweep, keep sky clean for the rescue operation
Operation Hormuz M03 Briefing.pdf
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